055: How to create passive income in your business with Lisa Johnson

In this episode of the 'Actually, I Can! The Female Entrepreneur Podcast' I am joined by the fabulous Lisa Johnson who is a Global Business Strategist and Sunday Times Bestselling author who makes 90% of her money through passive or semi-passive income streams. 

In this episode we are going to dive into how to create passive income in your business.

You can connect with Lisa Johnson on:

Instagram: @‌lisajohnsonstrategist

Website: www.lisajohnson.com

Lisa is a Global Business Strategist and Sunday Times Bestselling author who makes 90% of her money through passive or semi-passive income streams. 

She passionately believes that every business owner’s journey is unique, and that the “one size fits all” approach that dominates the online coaching and mentoring world is fundamentally flawed, inspiring her to take a stand at the forefront of ethical and integrity  driven business strategy advice.    

Lisa has featured on numerous TV shows and has appeared in national newspapers and magazines including The Telegraph, Psychologies, The Guardian and Fast Company.  One article in Forbes magazine garnered over a quarter of a million views in a week. Her Podcast Making Money Online has been downloaded over 420,000 times, and reached number one in the business podcast charts.

In one launch alone during the global pandemic in 2021, she made £3 million in a week - earning £1.2 million in the first hour of sales.

Overcoming a difficult childhood in social housing led her to be the supportive yet bold, straight-talking strategist she is today, believing that anyone can become successful, no matter their background.

She took herself from £30,000 in debt to become a successful entrepreneur making millions and helping thousands of people in just 5 years.

Now, her business makes over £6 million a year, and she is inspiring others to follow in her footsteps.

She lives in Bedfordshire, England with her husband and twin sons but spends as much time as she possibly can travelling. 

About the host: I am Kayleigh Greenacre your host a Business Strategist / Coach, Author, Motivational Speaker supporting female entrepreneurs to build, grow and scale their dream businesses.

Let's connect:

Instagram: @kayleighgreenacre

Website: www.actuallyican.co.uk

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